To fight depression the first thing which we need is to understand depression. Depression is one of the mental health problems that most of the people around the globe are suffering with. In simple words depression is the common cold of mental health disorders. As per a survey around 7% to 8 % people in Dallas have the signs of depression. And the best choice to defeat depression is TMS treatment in Dallas as well other parts of the globe. Feeling of anxiety, sadness, loss of interest in doing things are some of the common symptoms of depression in earlier stage. If not diagnosed or treated in time this can be a serious problem. Treatment of Depression with TMS Therapy Treatment of Depression with TMS Therapy The are many treatments and therapies available nowadays to cure depression such as meditation, anti-depressant pills, and other therapies. But one of the best therapies to treat depression is TMS therapy (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). In Trans...