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Showing posts from May, 2019

TMS therapy treatment of Dallas, is it right for you?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a new treatment for the people suffering from depression and is not satisfied with the result by all the other antidepressant treatment. It is a treatment cleared by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). So it is safe for and there are very few or almost no side effect of the treatment and the best thing about this treatment is that the sufferer starts recovering from its situation from the very first session. How does TMS therapy work: - the treatment works while the patients are sitting on a reclining chair and a treatment coil is pressed against the scalp which directly gives the effect on the person's brain portions that is responsible for the sudden mood changes. The treatment lasts for 40 minutes and the patients are asked for 5 treatments in a week and to recover properly one needs to get treatment almost for six months. It is quite normal that you will have a headache for the first time. The treatment is allowed for all...

TMS Therapy an Effective Treatment for Depression

Depression is something which is treatable in every form and level. Nowadays there are so many types of treatments for Depression available around us one of which is tms therapy plano . Psychotherapy has always been known as 'talk' therapy or hat we can say counseling. By properly participating in Psychotherapy treatment, one can easily explore the ways to that how to cope with life, issues, interpersonal skills and your current mental state of being. There are various treatments available in the market to diagnose and treat depression, containing so many counter products. There so many herbal products as well but these products are under study and the long term effects are still unknown. But it doesn’t mean that these products do not work.       Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy or TMS treatment Plano is an effective treatment for depression approved by the FDA. TMS treatment uses magnetic pulses to...

How does TMS centre at Texas provide TMS therapy?

Our busy schedules and the stress of so many things to do or to be done makes about 50% of the human being get into depression and this itself is a very big challenge to overcome from. Technologies and science have found a number of antidepressant medications, therapies, and drugs as well. But sometimes the sufferers don’t response to these treatments. Also, some experience many side effects of those treatments and so a new method called TMS therapy has been found with very few or almost no side effect and the sufferers experience changes so fast by TMS therapy. The treatment last for about 40 minutes and the Patients typically have five weekly treatments over a six week period. TMS therapy can target specific areas related to mood and energy while bypassing the side effects of typical antidepressant medications, such as weight gain, memory loss and dry mouth. TMS specifically targets the problem area, whereas general antidepressant medications come with more side effects. While...

Depression; the "Common Cold" Of Mental Health is Treatable by TMS Therapy.

Depression is feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and feeling unworthy. You will feel fatigued, moody, and irritated. The symptoms are different for everyone in both their appearance and their severity. This makes it tough to be caught and understand that a person is under depression and need help. We all sometime in our have or will experience being under depression due to the negativity around us; such things that are not natural or feels like good to us can lead us into depression. But they don’t last too long but if they do for more than 2 weeks or so you must see a doctor. It can be treatable by him/her or a psychiatrist. Although your psychiatrist will give you a number of antidepressant medications, do you know TMS therapy can be much easier and a faster way to make the sufferer come out of their depression? All other therapy acts directly on our brain as well as come with more side effects. While TMS therapy targets specific areas related to mood and energy while byp...

Defeat Depression with TMS Therapy Dallas

Depression is a very common mental disorder and most people suffer this health issue. There are so many causes of depression like high workload, stress, and tension, any brutal incident, lovers death, etc. It means that there are many causes but limited treatments for depression. If you are a depression patient then you need to know that treatment and use it. In this way, you will be able to get out depression from your life permanently. There are many places from where you can get this therapy but the TMS therapy of Dallas is the best one. It is very good and shows quick positive effects.      TMS is a better alternative for patients who cannot tolerate antidepressants due to the side effects. This method of treatment has been approved in Canada and Israel for the treatment of major depression in patients not responding to more traditional therapies. This technique has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in the United States yet....

TMS Treatment best for you to get break from your depression.

Being depressed is quite normal these days due to our busy schedules and so much to do in a short period of time. But overcoming it is a very big challenge in itself.  But we have found so many treatable sources of depression; it is highly treatable with antidepressant medication, but not everyone benefits from this kind of treatment. With so many treatable sources there’s something known as TMS Therapy it is an FDA approved treatment which is a drug-free treatment option for those who are not able to come out of their condition even after trying so many other treatments and are looking for a break from it. What is TMS Therapy: - TMS is a treatment in which a coil is lightly pressed against the scalp of a patient while they sit in a reclining chair. The coil then emits magnetic fields directly to the portion of the brain connected to mood regulation. Small electrical currents are produced by the magnetic fields. The currents proceed to alter cell activity in the brai...