Being depressed is quite normal these days due to our busy
schedules and so much to do in a short period of time. But overcoming it is a
very big challenge in itself. But we
have found so many treatable sources of depression; it is highly treatable with
antidepressant medication, but not everyone benefits from this kind of
treatment. With so many treatable sources there’s something known as TMS Therapy it is an FDA approved
treatment which is a drug-free treatment option for those who are not able
to come out of their condition even after trying so many other treatments and
are looking for a break from it.

The treatment lasts for about 40 minutes and as it is a drug-free
treatment for depression the patient is kept awake during the whole procedure. It
has no side effect other than a mild headache or scalp irritation and
tenderness. Although it takes a long period of time to complete the course most of the patients start feeling better after every session.
Coast: - Although it costs high if an uninsured,
but most insurance company covers TMS treatment if one is diagnosed with depression.
This allows for TMS therapy to be a more affordable and effective solution
for those suffering from severe depression. To know more about TMS Therapy click here.
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