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Working of TMS Therapy- A Close Look!!!

Today the TMS therapy is considered as one of the best treatments for depression. Every psychiatrist recommends their patients for TMS therapy. It is an advanced and safe way of treating depression and bring back our happy hours.

Here we are going to explain how a TMS therapy works. What is the time which it takes to do treatment and how much safe is it? So let’s start with its working-

How does TMS therapy of Dallas Work?

TMS therapy in Dallas is administered by placing a treatment coil lightly against the scalp of a patient while they sit in a reclining chair. The coil then emits magnetic fields directly to the portion of the brain involved with mood regulation. Small electrical currents are produced by the magnetic fields. The currents proceed to alter cell activity in the brain, which is thought to be effective in reducing depression symptoms.

Treatment lasts about 40 minutes a session, with patients fully awake during the process. Patients typically have five weekly treatments over a six week period. The most common side effect associated with treatment during clinical trials was scalp pain or discomfort - generally mild to moderate.

Studies have found most patients respond best to treatments of 40 consecutive magnetic pulses to the brain over a four second period twice a minute. However, duration, frequency and the number of pulses received per session depend upon the doctor's assessment of how the patient responds to the treatment.

Institute for Advanced Psychiatry

Numbers of medical institutes are there who offer TMS therapy but not like the Institute for Advanced Psychiatry. Here you will get the good TMS therapy of Dallas TX by the experienced doctors. Our professionals will look at you after the completion of treatment and you can contact us in future. To know more about us, visit our official website []


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